Adventure Costa Rica Blog
Photos That Will Make Your Stomach Drop
nov 25, 2013
This time we are not presenting something that is done in Costa Rica but we think that you will appreciate this article and what you will see. If you love to do something that is uncommon, and what people do just few times in whole year, than you must try to do something like this on photos below. Maybe you will feel strange while you looking at these photos, but who knows, maybe that’s exactly what you need.
Climbing in Costa Rica
nov 19, 2013
May be it’s a surprise but Costa Rica is now renowned also for climbing and a community of climbers, local and foreigners, have developed several areas for climbing.
One of these is Cachí: just outside of the town of Cartago is located one of Costa Rica’s most developed climbing areas, a squash-farm-cum-climbing-crag owned by Vidal Quirós. The basalt wall at Don Vidal’s farm has 38 routes ranging in difficulty from 5.6 (a good place for beginners to get started) and ranging all the way up to 5.13b, for the seriously strong. The blocky grey rock is an odd sight rising out of the lushness of the riverbed in which the farm is located.
The farm one can rent out ropes, climbing shoes, harnesses and helmets to climbers who don’t have their own equipment and all of the 38 routes are equipped with steel bolts for protection while climbing. Don Vidal has also got well-maintained chains and anchors at the top of each route for use in lowering climbers back to the ground.
At Cachì you pay ₡10,000 ($20) per day for climbers who want to use the farm harnesses, ropes shoes and helmets. Those bringing their own gear pay ₡5,000 ($10) for a day’s worth of fun on the rocks. That price includes access to the cold-water spring at the base of the wall, which is perfect for cooling off between climbs or an end of the day soak with a cold beer. “Sites for camping are available for ₡5,000 ($10) per night and there is a small cabin with capacity for eight people available for rent.
Crocodile attacks Surfer in Tamarindo
nov 15, 2013
In October of this year 2013, the ' Surf instructor Luis Sequeira has been witness to an accident that could have serious consequences , but fortunately ended positively . He had just finished his surf lesson in Playa Tamarindo, when he heard a man ask for help. It was a couple: Spainards Adán and Natalia Rivera chased by an American crocodile about 7 feet long . Sequeira advised Rivera to turn his head and face the crocodile with head up , hoping that he could intimidate him but this behaviour did not work, because the crocodile came up and connected first with his claw, scratching his left shoulder , leaving Rivera and several gashes . Then the croc opened his mouth and chomp down . As the jaws closed , Rivera tried to push away the crocodile , and from the point of view of Sequeira , it seemed as if man's middle and index fingers were bitten off clean. Sequeira began slamming his surfboard against the water , splashing and making as much noise as possible. "I knew that I had to deal with it, to intimidate , and to let him know that he was the boss, " he said. The crocodile pulled back , startled , and latite Rivera and headed for shore. But the reptile was not finished because he made a wide turn and headed south - away from the mouth and into some rocks , where two other people were doing surfing.
A tree in honor of the assassinated Costa Rican enviroronmentalist
nov 9, 2013
Today we want to tell our readers about a different type of adventure: the story of a man who gave his life for the protection of Costa Rica environment. On the 23rd of August 2013, the Ombudsman of Costa Rica planted a tree in a grove to honor the Costa Rican environmentalist Jairus Mora, who was killed last June while working in protecting turtles in a Caribbean beach in the country. Jairo Mora was a brave man, who lived and died defending life , defending nature. His legacy should inspire us all to raise awareness about the importance of protecting what we still have , "said defender activity of the inhabitants of Costa Rica , Ofelia Taitelbaum . The tree of the species " Lady" was planted in the forest Ombudsman School in San Jose , in which children and youth can observe 36 species of trees and learn about the native of Costa Rica that are in danger of extinction.
Carrera Chirripó: an ecological tough running race
nov 2, 2013
This is one of the toughest worldwide running races ever and takes place every year in Costa Rica, in one of the most stunning and beautiful places on the earth.
In 1989 came down the Cerro Chirripo Messrs. Rafael Fonseca and Juan Carlos Crespo , when inspired cross-country race , which takes place in USA . 160 Kms ( Westen Run State 100 ) , began talking sobe the possibility of an event of this kind in the Chirripo National Park . That conversation was gradually taking shape and then discuss the idea with the group Mountain High athletic San Gerardo de Rivas , which was composed by Gerardo Garita , Omar Garita, Albertino Navarro and Rafael Fonseca , they decided to make the event a reality.