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Concours Photo 2024 "Playa Esterillos - La Dolce Vita"


Featured on Photo Contest Insider

After the success of the past years the Hotel La Dolce Vita, in Esterillos Oeste, is glad to announce the new edition of our annual photo contest.

Playa Esterillos - Photo Contest 2024 – 15° Edition - Hotel La Dolce Vita is a photo award competition open to photographers anywhere in the world who love Esterillos and Costa Rica. The primary objective of this initiative is to promote Playa Esterillos and its beauty.

The theme for the contest is about  the location of Esterillos: all the photos submitted by participants must be taken in Esterillos and the entries are invited in the unique category free subject:  people, nature, beach, daily life, surf, etc.

Application period

From the 28rd of September to 30tht of November 2024.

The winners will be announced in this site by Mid December 2024 and the pictures and results always available in Facebook.


Prize Name Number of Winners Prize
Grand Prize
Hotel La Dolce Vita
1 Free 3 days stay Bed & Breakfast at Hotel La Dolce Vita
Second Prize
Hotel La Dolce Vita
1 Free 2 days stay Bed & Breakfast at Hotel La Dolce Vita
Third Prize
Hotel La Dolce Vita
1 Free 1 days stay Bed & Breakfast at Hotel La Dolce Vita



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Taille Maximum: 4000kb Extensions : jpg,JPG,jpeg,JPEG,gif,GIF,png,PNG

I hereby certify that I have taken this photograph and that as such, it reflects my own efforts and creativity.

Copyright: The rights of the works will remain property of the author. Those participating give consent - if they are selected - to the use of their images by the organizers of the event for exposure in its webiste or in other social network media and for all future publications and promotional activities related to the competition, without having to paid any compensation to the author or to any third parties.